It's a blog / webcomic, by a close friend of mine. The actions of the characters are directed by the people that leave comments, and it's updated -daily-. Those last two reasons should be enough for you to give it a shot, if not just to add another consistently active blog to your daily reading.
...until I am compelled to share something again - signing out.
...until I am compelled to share something again - signing out.
I still have your blog saved and I use it to look at other blogs you had on your role call. I hit your link and then looked away but as I did it I realized you posted something. not enough time to check out what you posted but good to see you are still out there..... especially with Cata a few months away :)
hi... just droping here..
Ahhhh Yakra, I was clicking on "next blog" while I am waiting for my ride home...and of course I stumble upon yours!
I hope you guys are staying well occupied and have lots of fun things to do!
Please tell Aert I rolled a resto druid and now have a resto shammy, a resto druid and a holy priest =)
And that I'm going to race change my NE to a gnome as soon as it is available!
Anyway take care =)
It is interesting to click "Next Blog" and read it. God Bless!
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