When you found the *New, Improved!* tanking Flask, Stoneblood, you probably frowned. An increase of a piddly 150 health, at the cost of 10 defense even! Other flasks saw a ~50% jump in effectiveness which should have put Stoneblood at something like 1350 HP (or less HP, and something else).
The horror! The bright side of things , however, is that Flask of Fort is then comparable, and you can get mats for it at a deep discount. As I planned on dying alot, I filled my bank alt up on 4g Fel Lotus and 10g/Stack Ancient Lichen.
Now that I'm financially secure and building my gold up, I'm looking again to get stocked before Uludar is released / consumable costs skyrocket again (And mark my words, consumables/enchanting mat prices will be astronomical when Uludar is released), or I go and spend my money on some vanity mount. This time around, I'm taking a stroll down the Elixir isle, and loving/hating what I'm seeing.
Elixirs beat current tank flask options hands down. Why is this good? Because finding ways to be a better tank is exciting! Why is this terrifying? Because the difference may demand double elixir use on -everything- progression, because they are that much better.
Generic Awesome Combo: Mighty Fort + Guru. 580 HP, 0.30% Dodge, 44 Armor, 46 AP, 11 BV & .35% Crit (After Kings & Vitality). There isn't much I trade health for (this combo has 70 less then stoneblood), but that's an impressive cocktail of stats for a very minor health drop.
Max Effective Health Combo: Protection + Guru. If your pushing progression on a physical damage dealing boss, this will push you as far as you can go EH. Looking at my current gear, I have 73690 Effective Health without consumables. Stoneblood provides 1573 Effective Health, but this combo gives 2032. While the difference may seem small (looking at a 500 point difference out of 70,000+), remember that it is not only increasing your damage threshhold, but doing so in a manor that healing will get more bang for the buck in doing so.
Threat: Change up Guru's in one of the above combos, for Elixir of Expertise. Don't forget about the reduction in parry-haste burst damage you get from expertise, and remember that Expertise is Always Better Then Hit. (So AH those Elixir of Accuracy!).
Avoidance: Keep Guru, and run Mighty Defense.
Summary? Flasks have their place. Stoneblood is still the most HP for things like 3 Drake OS. If you're sitting on a pile of cheep Fort Flasks, use them for farm content / non-consumable heavy progression (non-tank killing fights). But Start stocking up on Guru's, Mighty Fort, and Protection Elixirs - your going to want them.
1 comment:
Very helpful, thanks !
Looked over the prices on outland herbs and lotuses and the fortitude flask is a steal indeed for -150 hp compared to stoneblood which goes for 75-120 on my server, depending on availability.
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